Questa ricetta sta un po' a met? strada tra una macedonia di fine estate e una di inizio autunno, perché vi sono frutti di entrambe le stagioni: pesche bianche, fichi e prugne. Ho aggiunto inoltre un mango (avanzato dal Mango Chutney) ...
A third woman, Joanne Bedrick, of Beech Avenue, said dust made it hard for her to breathe. "It's insane that we are actually living in a construction area,"Bedrick said. Gaglione dubbed the odors toxins "that are killing us." ... Lansky didn't hear the complaints at the council meeting last week because he was on a family vacation. Lansky noted that the plant was busy this year with nighttime paving of Interstate 77 and was busy last year with nighttime paving of I-271. ...